OMC 2020

This year’s Ottawa Mathematics Conference (OMC) was a success. To help spread out the days’ events we extended the OMC from three days to five days, running from June 1st to June 5th.  

Due to COVID-19, the platform for the conference went virtual and the Mathematics and Statistics Graduate Student Association (MSGSA) hosted the event using Zoom. The conference experienced a record turn out, with a participant list of nearly 100 attendees and students participating from all over the country. Daily, we had approximately 50 people join our sessions. We had 22 submitted abstracts from graduate students and recent graduates from Eastern to Western Canada. We also had three keynote speakers given by professors from the University of Ottawa, Carleton University and Dalhousie University. For the first time, we had two workshop talks, one on Academic Writing and one on Central Bank Research.

Feedback from our attendees has been very positive and we are very proud to have, in the midst of a pandemic, still been able to offer the young mathematicians of our community the opportunity to share their research and learn of what others are doing.