Call for Applications to Studc
Like what we do? Want to get involved? We’re looking for two co-chairs of our committee! Each co-chair would serve a two year term starting in June 2016. Bilingualism is a strong asset.
CMS Studc is looking for enthusiastic, hard-working students interested in joining the committee! We’re looking for a chair, an English-to-French translator, and General Members looking to represent their local communities, each to hold two-year terms. Francophone applicants are preferred for the positions of translator and Quebec-based members.
Joining Studc is an excellent opportunity to contribute to the Canadian mathematics community. More information about the committee’s activities can be found on our website and through social media (Facebook, Twitter, and Google Plus). If you have any questions about the committee, its activities, or member responsibilities, please do not hesitate to contact Aaron Berk and Muhammad Khan (, the current Studc chairs.
Applications to the committee are due March 31st, 2016. That’s now just over two weeks away! All applicants must complete the general member application. Applicants to the position of chair must also complete the chair-specific application. Successful applicants will be notified on April 20th, 2016.